Midday on Jun 12th we had a “wet microburst” (read more about them here). Fortunately we didn’t have any damage to our home or cars, but we ended up losing four trees. Here are some pictures from after the storm.

Over the back driveway, an ~80 foot fell over the driveway and into the neighbors yard
Uprooted, taking boulders with it.
This is the section we took from the driveway - about 18" in diameter.
We had a beautiful tree that framed our driveway that snapped off at about 15 feet
This is the view looking toward the road. Main trunk is about 15' off the ground
This was the view with that tree a few weeks before the storm.
The entrance to our circle was blocked with trees.
Our neighbors across the street had 9 trees down/uprooted.
Two of which landed on their home causing root damage.
This is a neighbor 2 blocks away. The entire end of the house was smashed.
That same tree landed on their neighbor's house as well.